Gettin’ Muddy

Last October I completed the Northern California Tough Mudder. It was basically an intense 7 mile obstacle course that included tunnels, ginormous hills, cargo nets, wire crawls, wading through an ice-cold pond, climbing fences, carrying logs, jumping over walls and giant spools, and LOTS of mud!


I trained for about three months before the event, focusing on running, strength training (mostly using own body weight), and sprinting stadium stairs. My goal was basically just to finish the event, because I knew it was going to be really difficult. I hadn’t been doing much exercising in the previous months, so I was pretty much starting from scratch. It was also the first race of any kind I had done.




When I finished the course, I was so proud of myself! Even though there were some pretty challenging obstacles throughout the course, I always knew that I was going to finish it (unless I sprained one of my chronically weak ankles), because there was no way I was going to let everything I did to prepare for it go to waste. When I called my parents to let them know I had survived it, I think they were surprised. Haha, they should have known I wouldn’t let myself fail, even at something that crazy.


This September I am planning on doing the Southern California Survivor Mud Run. It is quite a bit shorter than the Tough Mudder, but I really want to focus on completing this course in the fastest time I can. Now that I have done a Tough Mudder I feel like I can do more than just complete a mud race. I want to really try to do well.

I am starting to train for this race now, so I will keep you updated on how it is going!

020Hailey, my running partner. SmileDon’t you just love how well my exercise clothes match? Don’t worry, this isn’t going on the Fashion page!