Surfer Dog

My Fourth of July weekend was capped off with some time out by the pool with Dobby! Smile


Don’t worry, the beer can wasn’t open! Winking smile


Already a better surfer than me.

Dobby Pool_thumb[1]

Isn’t it amazing how dogs are born already knowing how to swim? I plop Dobby in the water and he just takes off!

Sophie, our black lab, swims like a fish. She looks like a little torpedo shooting through the water. Poor Hailey, though, sinks up to her ears before she can get herself floating enough to swim. She’s all muscle so we think her lack of body fat prevents her from floating very well. That’s okay, she makes a good running partner. Winking smile


This afternoon we have some family coming to visit from out of state for a couple days, so it should be a fun time! Open-mouthed smile

Change of Plans

Here’s what I planned to do today:

  • Go sign paperwork for new part-time job (more on that tomorrow!).
  • Read some magazines and finish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (again) out by the pool (so excited for the last movie!).
  • Get a weights workout in.
  • Go to a farmer’s market near where I play softball.
  • Go to Softball game.

Here’s what actually happened:

  • Went to sign paperwork for new part-time job and ended up sitting in the lobby for half an hour waiting for my new boss (oh well, anything for a job! Smile).
  • Snuggled with Dobby while he took his afternoon nap…. and fell asleep, too. Oops!

A and D

  • Found out softball game was canceled. Oh darn, I didn’t get to make that lovely 40-minute drive to get our butts kicked get our first win!
  • Figured I might as well skip the farmer’s market to save gas. Sad smile Hopefully I will be able to go on Saturday!
  • Got distracted by So You Think You Can Dance (love Melanie and Marko!), and didn’t do weights until 10pm. Priorities people! Winking smile

001 Who could resist that little face? Winking smile

… Okay, maybe when he does this:


Sarcastic smile

Enchilada Night

Since it wasn’t too hot today, I spent some time this afternoon sitting out by our pool with a Passion Iced Tea and some super serious reading material. Winking smile003009

I get so excited when I receive a new magazine in the mail. Even though it seems like most of the articles are very similar to ones from previous issues, I still enjoy reading through them and looking for new info or things to try. It’s kind of like a word searchfind the meaningful information within the pages of fluff!

I slathered on the SPF and tried to read while the dogs ran around chasing lizards (which this year look like monitor lizards for some reason- will have to get a picture to show you) and jumping all over Zooey Deschanel’s face.


I was in charge of dinner tonight, so after herding the dogs out of the pool area, I made some Bean and Cheese Enchiladas.

I also whipped up some guacamole and oven-baked chips made from my favorite La Tortilla Factory Sonoma Organic tortillas.





RECIPE: Cheesy Bean Enchiladas (adapted from Hungry Girl recipe)

2 large corn tortillas
2 thin slices reduced-fat cheddar cheese
2/3 cup enchilada sauce (I used the Ten Minute Enchilada Sauce from AllRecipes)
1/3 cup fat-free refried beans
1/4 cup shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a small baking dish with nonstick spray. Heat tortillas in the microwave until slightly warm. Lay the tortillas on a clean, dry surface, and then spread about 2 tbsp. of the enchilada sauce onto each one. Place one slice of cheese on each tortilla. Then, evenly distribute the bean mixture into the center of each tortilla. Wrap the tortillas up tightly, and place them in the baking dish seam side down. Pour the rest of the enchilada sauce over the enchiladas. Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes (until the enchiladas are hot). Remove dish from the oven, sprinkle shredded cheese over the enchiladas, and then return it to the oven for about 10-15 minutes. Let sit for a couple minutes, then enjoy! (Makes 2 Servings – I obviously made about four times this amount so we can have leftovers- yay!)


Workout: I did my Personal Training With Jackie: Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD this evening. It’s only about 30 minutes, but it’s intense. It kicked my butt! But in a good way.

I also applied for a bunch of teaching jobs today (fingers crossed!).

AND I updated the Fashion page (will be adding more pictures to it tomorrow)!