Harry Potter and the Fashion Friday Post

In honor of the release of the final Harry Potter film, I thought I would combine my love of all things Potter with my love of clothes.


(No, not those clothes…. But awww, they were so cute!)

Emma Watson plays the role of Hermione Granger in all of the Harry Potter films. She has literally grown up on screen, and today has proven herself to be a true fashionista and role model. She has been the face of Burberry and Lancôme, and has even tried her hand at designing.






Love that Burberry coat!

Emma also received the Style Icon award at the Elle Style Awards this year!


With her cute pixie cut and smart yet somewhat daring fashion choices, Emma Watson has definitely cast a spell on the public and proven that she is more than just that girl who played Hermione Granger.


Question: Are you going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2?

I have to wait until Tuesday to see it with my sister- not sure how I’m going to make it until then! Winking smile

What I’m Lovin’ this Summer

Family & Fun

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crepeRoot Beer Popsiclesalad034strawberries



Golf Shoes012Urban Outfitters (on sale! Smile)008015

Wish List

wish list - july '11




Blog Lovin’


What are you lovin’ so far this summer? Smile

Cover Letters Will Be the Death of Me

….Okay, probably not, but it feels like it. I have sent out soooo many applications for teaching jobs, and it is driving me bananas. I’ve had a few interviews, but no job offers yet.

Last week I met with an administrator who used to work with my mom, and is now a principal in the local elementary school district. He agreed to meet and take a look at my resume and cover letters to see if he could help me tweak them a little to increase my chances of getting interviews.

He was super nice and had some great advice! A few things he mentioned were:

  • Make sure your resume is very easy to read; use bold words to highlight the important stuff. Have a career objective listed first that explains how you are unique.
  • It’s okay to have your resume on two pages. He showed me his, and it’s three pages long!
  • Always include bullet points under each job or volunteer experience, and use key words to explain what you did (use words that relate your experience to the job you are applying for).
  • Find out who the “gatekeeper” is for the hiring process, and make sure you address your cover letters to them.
  • Email the principal (“head honcho”) right after you apply online (or send in your application) and let them know you have applied. Ask them if they would be willing to talk with you about their school and perhaps give you a tour.

I’m sure some of this is common knowledge to many people, but for someone just starting out, it was a huge help! Smile Anyone else have any job hunting tips?


On the topic of teaching….


I took my mom and nana to see Bad Teacher this weekend (and Bridesmaids– finally!). It was a silly movie, but it had some funny parts. All three of us are teachers (they are retired High School English teachers – in fact, about 2/3 of my family were teachers), so we could relate to some of it.  But for most of it we just laughed because it was so ridiculous. Smile with tongue out  It was entertaining, though, so we enjoyed it.


*Just know that about 97% of what was depicted in that movie could never have happened in real life! Winking smile The other 3%….. well, not all teachers are in education because they love working with kids. But most of us are! Smile

Happy Father’s Day





Happy Father’s Day, Dad! I love you!

Today we had a wonderful lunch at Papa and Faye’s for Father’s Day. We had pesto pasta salad (thanks, Faye!), hotdogs and hamburgers, fruit, and my berry pie for dessert.

It was supposed to be all about the dads today- but as usual, Dobby stole the show. Smile


father's day with dobby


My mom is trying to steal my dog. Winking smile


And then he crawled under the table and was out!

So it was time for my next golf lesson with Papa.

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Do I look like I sorta know what I’m doing? Laughing out loud

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Later this evening, after we got back home, my parents and I watched The Company Men.

It had a lot of really good actors in it. The plot was a little slow at times, but it was a good movie. I could kind of relate to the whole unemployment thing, though I ‘m experiencing the ageism part of it from the other end of the spectrum.

And it also reminded me that I NEED A JOB!  Smile  (Like I could forget)


I hope everyone had a great day! Tomorrow I plan to get some more pictures to add to the Fashion page (I really will, I promise!), and I will be updating the Food and Recipes pages.