Just Around the River Bend

On Monday, B and I headed up to the mountains to go to “Skinny Dip” (that’s the name of the place; we didn’t actually go skinny dipping Winking smile).

But first we stopped for lunch to use a Living Social deal I’ve had for awhile.


We went to Scoop’s, which is a cute little sandwich, soup, and ice cream shop. I had a turkey sandwich (mediocre) and a salad (pretty good). Both B and I also had an unpictured scoop of cake batter cookie dough ice cream (sooo good!).


Then we were on our way!



We parked the car in a clearing and then hiked about 1 1/2 miles until we found the “secrettrail.

We came here a couple years ago and it took us awhile to find the trail then. We kept saying, “Okay, it’s probably just around this bend.” This time was no different, but at least we recognized the trail once we saw it. (We also had to sing “Just Around the River Bend” from Pocahontas a few times Winking smile)


On the trail:


Yay! We made it!

078086So beautiful.


A few minutes after we got there, two guys showed up who had come there to jump off the waterfall ledge into the deep pool below.

B and I weren’t up for jumping, but I got some cool pics of the guys:



After enjoying the view for awhile, and sticking our feet in the cold water, we headed back up the trail. Since it was well past dinner time by the time we got back to the nearby town, we decided to stop and get some Japanese food. I totally forgot to snap a picture before digging into my chicken teriyaki bowl, so here is a dinner-in-process picture:


We got back pretty late, and my tailbone was pretty sore from sitting in the car so long, but it was well worth it! I’ve missed being in the mountains, and I love how secluded and beautiful Skinny Dip is. It was a good day! Smile

Question: Is there a special place you love to go where you know you will leave feeling relaxed and recharged?