Farmer’s Market

On Friday my mom and I went out to eat at Sweet Tomatoes and then visited a farmer’s market that we hadn’t been to before.



The first thing we saw when we got to the farmer’s market was a bunch of kids all dancing in the middle of a big circle of people sitting and listening to the band – so cute! I didn’t get a picture of them because I was afraid the parents would think I was a creeper. Smile


This farmer’s market may be my new favorite! It was pretty big and they had so much good food!


We also stopped by Trader Joe’s for a few other things. Here’s our haul from TJ’s and farmer’s:


Has anyone tried the Zico chocolate coconut water? I’m kind of scared to…

On our way home we stopped at Big Lots to look for a vase for my friend’s upcoming baby shower (I have to make one of the table centerpieces), but no luck. I did, however, find a cute dog bed for Dobby for ten bucks!

050059I think he likes it. Unfortunately for Dobby, so do all the other little dogs.


I hope everyone is having a wonderful Fourth of July weekend!

Change of Plans

Here’s what I planned to do today:

  • Go sign paperwork for new part-time job (more on that tomorrow!).
  • Read some magazines and finish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (again) out by the pool (so excited for the last movie!).
  • Get a weights workout in.
  • Go to a farmer’s market near where I play softball.
  • Go to Softball game.

Here’s what actually happened:

  • Went to sign paperwork for new part-time job and ended up sitting in the lobby for half an hour waiting for my new boss (oh well, anything for a job! Smile).
  • Snuggled with Dobby while he took his afternoon nap…. and fell asleep, too. Oops!

A and D

  • Found out softball game was canceled. Oh darn, I didn’t get to make that lovely 40-minute drive to get our butts kicked get our first win!
  • Figured I might as well skip the farmer’s market to save gas. Sad smile Hopefully I will be able to go on Saturday!
  • Got distracted by So You Think You Can Dance (love Melanie and Marko!), and didn’t do weights until 10pm. Priorities people! Winking smile

001 Who could resist that little face? Winking smile

… Okay, maybe when he does this:


Sarcastic smile