Guest Post: Raspberry & White Chocolate Chip Scones

Hey y’all!
This is Amber’s sister, B. Amber has been M.I.A. since she started her big-girl job wrangling 5th graders (a.k.a. teaching). So, I offered to post a recipe I did this week, just to keep you guys entertained until she gets back. I’m pretty excited because this is the first blog post I have ever done! With that in mind, please bare with me and hope it goes well. Smile with tongue out Okay, guys and gals, let’s get to it:

This week I was craving scones like crazy! I wanted homemade scones, but the last couple times I tried making scones they came out hard and crumbly, not soft and “melt-in-your-mouth” moist like those you could get from the store. Also, any other recipes I looked at to make scones always called for something extra that I would not normally have on hand (I don’t know about you but I hate when recipes call for ingredients that are so uncommon or rare in a recipe that you end up buying a whole jar/bag of it and only use it once).

So I didn’t want to use recipes that would make me have to buy something extra. I wanted to use what I already had. Finally, after searching for so long that I almost gave up hope, I found a basic scone recipe that looked promising. It came from where the Cranberry Inn at Chatham, Massachusetts posted a “Light, Fluffy, and Simple Breakfast Scones” recipe. It sounded perfect for me so I gave it a go.

And you know what? I am ridiculously addicted to them (probably gained a few pounds just from those delicious scones)! Here is how they went (sorry for the weird lighting in the pictures – it was early in the morning when I was making these and our kitchen windows get direct morning sunlight. It was difficult blocking out the sun so I just pretend that the scones have a heavenly glow to them):


RECIPE: Raspberry and White Chocolate Chip Scones


  • 4 cups Flour
  • 1/2 cup Sugar
  • 2 tablespoons Baking Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 cup Melted Butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup Milk
  • Fresh Fruit as desired


  • Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and melted butter together.
  • Then add eggs and milk.
  • Add fresh fruit as desired.

**At this point I went to my pantry to see what were some extra ingredients I could add to spice up these scones a bit. For whatever reason, I thought cranberries and white chocolate would taste good together (I want to say that maybe I had a Starbucks scone like that once…or maybe it was just a weird craving). Anyway, I just so happened to have dried cranberries and white chocolate chips in the pantry. Go figure! 😉 I was feeling adventurous so I put about half a bag of the chips and about a whole small bag of cranberries into the batter. This amount just depends on your personal taste buds and how it looks to you.

*Side note: If you do want to add dried/fresh fruit like cranberries or chocolate chips, I would suggest breaking them down a bit in a food processor or something just because I didn’t feel like they were evenly distributed amongst the scones. However, I did fold in the chips and cranberries by hand so I may have not mixed them well enough or I just didn’t add enough. If you do try this recipe let me know what worked best for you! 🙂 You could also add cinnamon chips or toffee bits to the mix (I’m going to try those ingredients next time).

  • Mix well. Drop on greased sheet tray.

*They will be sticky when you are putting them on the sheets. I used two spoons – one to scoop a lump of dough out of the bowl and the other to scrape it off the spoon and onto the sheet.

*Also, the recipe said to grease the baking sheets, but since I was using chocolate and it melted, then caramelized onto the sheet while the scones were cooking, the grease did not work so well. Without the chocolate the scones come off easy. However, if you do use chocolate or anything that would melt in the oven then I would suggest using parchment paper if you have it. It just makes your whole life easier. Winking smile

  • Sprinkle top with sugar. Bake at 375 degree oven until just lightly golden.

*I baked mine for about 13-15 minutes and they came out perfect for me – just turning the golden brown on the bottom and in a few spots on top.


Basically, these scones hit the center of my craving, except I just want more of them now that I have the most awesome scone recipe! Oh, and in the final picture, the drink I had with my scones was actually was actually a peanut butter protein shake (I know, I told you I was having weird cravings that day. Don’t worry, Amber will be back soon and she will blog about more normal food combinations. Winking smile)

But just in case that might sound good to you (i.e. you love peanut butter!) then the ingredients were just 1 cup of milk, 2 heaping tablespoons of peanut butter (you can always adjust this to how thick you like your shakes) and a scoop of your favorite protein powder (mine- actually I stole some of Amber’s- was cake batter flavored). Blend it for 30 seconds and voila! It was very peanut buttery, but it filled me up quite a bit.

Also the recipe I got it from said to add egg beaters…but I left that out. I was adventurous and had weird cravings that morning, but I was not about to pull a Sylvester Stallone and drink my eggs, fake or not, raw. Thanks, but I am good with my peanut butter. Maybe one day I will try the raw eggs…one day.

But anyway, I hope you try these scones, and if you do, let me know what you think (don’t worry I won’t be offended if you do not like them… I will just think you are crazy and have you send your scones to me so they won’t go to waste. Winking smile

Okay! That was my first official blog post! Thanks for letting me step in this week guys! Amber should be back soon to fill you in on what has been happening with her crazy kids. Lots of stories to tell I am sure. Smile

Before I go, I wanted to leave you with a random but encouraging quote, just for the heck of it. Smile

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
Albert Einstein

Thanks again!

– B

Root Beer Float Popsicles & Green Bean Fries

This weekend I went a little crazy in the kitchen.

I used up my leftover frozen pie crust dough by rolling it out thin on a cookie sheet and sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on top, then baking it at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes.

I also baked some chocolate chip cookies and made some Green Bean Fries. I used a recipe I found on AllRecipes as a guide for the coating, but I baked them instead of deep-frying them.


RECIPE: Baked Green Bean Fries

1 pound fresh green beans, trimmed

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

One sleeve of Ritz crackers

1 teaspoon chili powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon onion powder

3/4 cup all-purpose flour

Cooking spray


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray. Then crush the Ritz crackers in a bowl. Stir in the chili powder, garlic powder, and onion powder until combined with the Ritz crumbs.


Wash green beans and then put them into a large bowl full of the flour. Toss them around until they are all coated with flour.


Combine the milk and egg in a separate bowl and whisk together. Take a handful of flour-coated green beans at a time and dip them into the milk and egg mixture.


Next put the handful of green beans covered with the milk and egg mixture into the bowl of Ritz cracker crumbs. Shake them around until they are coated with the Ritz crumbs.


Take these green beans out and place them on the cookie sheet.


Continue this process until you have used up all the green beans (I actually had a few left that didn’t fit).


Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until the Ritz coating is brown and crispy. If you would like crispier green beans, you may broil them on high for about 2 minutes (keep an eye on them so they don’t burn!). Take out of the oven and let cool for a couple minutes, then enjoy!

These would also probably be good with some kind of dipping sauce as well!


This weekend I also made some Root Beer Float popsicles, inspired by Emily at Cupcakes & Cashmere.

Root Beer Popsicle

RECIPE: Root Beer Float Popsicles

1 1/2 cups vanilla ice cream

1/4 cup Greek Yogurt

1/4 cup milk

5-6 large ice cubes

12 oz. Root Beer


Blend Greek yogurt, milk, ice cubes, and vanilla ice cream together. Pour Root Beer into popsicle molds, about 1/4 of the way full. Add ice cream mixture to the molds until about 3/4 full (you will probably have some ice cream mixture left over, but it’s good by itself, too!). Fill molds the rest of the way with Root Beer. Place sticks in molds and freeze overnight. Enjoy!


I hope everyone has had a spectacular Fourth of July weekend!