Dobby & Co


Meet Dobby the Boston Terrier puppy!  Red heart

My Golden Retriever passed away last year, and this spring I finally felt ready for a new dog. I got Dobby on April 30th, and he is now about 5 months old. He has such a funny personality and he’s super smart!

For some reason he has an affinity for sleeping on my laptop… maybe because it’s warm…. or maybe he’s trying to get me away from the thing so I will pay attention to him! So if there is ever a typo or something crazy on this blog, it was all Dobby! :)

BTW: For those of you who aren’t Harry Potter fans (what?!), Dobby is named after the house elf from the books/movies.

We also have a Lhasa Apso named Maddie, but she’s slightly crazy, so we call her Mad-Eye Moody (because she’s moody and she has this crazy-eyed look that makes us think she sees ghosts). So we have two Harry Potter pets.

Maybe one day I’ll have a whole menagerie of pets with Harry Potter names…. or maybe not.

Dobby & Friends

3 thoughts on “Dobby & Co

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