Baby Love

Saturday was my friend Jess’s baby shower, and it went really well!

I made Courtney’s Orange Cream cupcakes to use as prizes for the baby game I had planned. Considering I didn’t have a clue about frosting techniques, and I was decorating them at 2:00 in the morning, they turned out pretty cute! Smile

030I also made cinnamon muffins, but they turned out ugly, so no pictures of those. Winking smile

037A group of us helped plan the shower, and we were each in charge of putting together a table centerpiece. Here’s mine (which I threw together at the last minute because I was running late… oops!).


I used blue and turquoise water beads to fill the vase. If you haven’t seen these before, they are pretty cool. You soak them in water for a few hours and they go from this:


….To this:072

And then they get to be the size of marbles (the ones above grew until they completely filled that container), and they keep your plants hydrated. They last for a long time and can be reused too!

Another awesome centerpiece made by Jess’s sister-in-law:


She also made the cake and come cupcakes for the guests! So cute!!!



Party pics:


The haul:


I need to get married and have kids ASAP. But only for the gifts…. Haha, just kidding! 😉

The party was in Jess and John’s backyard. Isn’t it beautiful?


The food (already eaten… I was too slow to get a good picture):


One of the games was a contest to see who could create the best baby figure out of clay. One of our friend’s four-year-old daughter made these:

067“Here you go Jess, your twins are going to look just like this.” Smile


Jess with her nana and the awesome cake:


Opening gifts:


Me (my makeup had pretty much melted off of my face by then… scroll down really fast so maybe I’ll still look okay):


Friends (we’ve known each other since we were little girls):


A successful party! Jess was exhausted, but she got some super cute things for the twin baby girls. Smile


Don’t’ forget to enter the giveaway for the Banana Republic necklace!

Click here to go to the giveaway page.

Entries are due by 3pm (PST) on Monday, July 25th!

Smoothie Success!

A couple weeks ago we got a new blender (our old one may or may not have started smoking the last time I used it Who me?). We bought a Ninja, and I was so excited. It has three super sharp blades and does an awesome job of crushing ice.

006(Don’t worry, I didn’t blend up that corn in the background Winking smile)

Last week was my first attempt at making a Ninja smoothie…and it was the most disgusting smoothie I’ve ever made. I don’t know why it turned out so bad. I ate less than a third of it and couldn’t force any more of it down. It was horrible (which is why there is no picture).

But on Thursday, I finally got the nerve up to try again. I found some great smoothie-making advice on a couple different blogs (can’t for the life of me remember which ones, though- sorry!) and that really seemed to help! I learned that it is best to put the ingredients into the blender in this order:

liquids —> frozen fruit —> powders/add-ins —> ice —> fresh fruit

Not sure if that made a difference, but my green tea, blueberry, spinach, and raspberry smoothie bowl ended up being not only edible, but also pretty good!


. Check back later for a Fashion Friday post and a GIVEAWAY!  Smile

Wonky Appetite

I don’t know if it’s the hot weather or what, but my appetite has been all wonky lately. Nothing really sounds good, but I have to eat! So my meals lately have been pretty random.

This afternoon I was looking through the fridge and cupboards trying to find something that sounded good. I came up with this:


Half of a cheese omelet and chunky peanut butter on Ritz crackers. Totally random, and yet totally satisfying. Whatever works!

This evening I went to my friend Jess’s house to make dinner for her, her husband, and another friend. She’s super pregnant with twins right now, and her baby shower is in a couple weeks, which I’m excited for. She has her baby room almost all set up, and it’s so cute!

For dinner I made a Santa Fe Foldover and they liked it! Smile


It actually tasted really good to me, too. It’s weird because when I’m thinking about what to eat, I feel almost a little queasy, but then while I’m eating, I’m perfectly fine. Eye rolling smile Oh well, not going to worry about it.

Dobby made sure to do his part in helping by hiding his bone all over the house and supervising from the kitchen floor.


He now has four tricks in his arsenal: sit, shake, down, and roll over. Such a smart little cookie. Smile He’s also doing pretty well walking on a leash. We went for a short walk down the street yesterday and he didn’t freak out! Yay!


Question: Do you ever go through weird phases with your eating habits or appetite? How do you get back on track?

What I’m Lovin’ this Summer

Family & Fun

019032077020010012100_0179 (2)036067Dobby Pool024





crepeRoot Beer Popsiclesalad034strawberries



Golf Shoes012Urban Outfitters (on sale! Smile)008015

Wish List

wish list - july '11




Blog Lovin’


What are you lovin’ so far this summer? Smile