Tail(bone) End of the Week

About a week and a half ago I apparently bruised my tailbone playing softball. I was going for the ball and my stupid ankle gave out on me, and I fell on my butt. I’m so graceful.

At the time I was more worried about my ankle, but two days later I noticed my tailbone was starting to hurt. Now it’s gotten to the point where anytime I sit down I’m in discomfort.

I keep thinking it will go away, but it still hurts pretty bad. And I’m not sure if exercising is making it worse… I’ve gone running a few times and I did kickboxing yesterday, and I’m worried that maybe that’s preventing it from healingAny ideas about this?

I’m thinking I might go to the doctor just to see what he says about it… The Survivor Mud Run is coming up in less than 2 months, and I need to be training, but I don’t want to make it worse…. I’ve also been having ankle pain (but on the inside of my ankle, above my arch), so I also need to go visit an ankle specialist again…. This is frustratingAnnoyed


On a happier note, yesterday was my papa’s birthday (I won’t mention how old he is Winking smile). We went down for a late lunch and brought pizza and cake (I know, we’re so fancy).

Papa’s wife, Faye, got home from visiting her sister in France a few days ago, so we got to visit with her, too, and see pictures of the beautiful places she visited.

023(B, are you giving me a peace sign with your crazy fingers?)

024(That salad hit the spot… thanks Faye!)

029(The ice cream cake suffered some minor damage from an earthquake… in the form of B knocking it over on the drive down… still tasted good!)

032(My yummy out-of-focus slice of cake)

034(It’s a new Kindle!)

048(Hey, ZZ and Bo!)


054(Hey, Dobbers and B! Lovely pose in a skirt, B! Winking smile)

062(Dobby’s got his turtle- time for a nap!)

Dobby and Me 2

Hoping my tailbone can handle a two hour drive up to the mountains on Monday- B and I are going to Skinny Dip!

(Hahaha, not really, that’s just the name of a swimming hole up near Yosemite– people don’t actually skinny dip there. Smile)

No Time to Waste

Time has all of a sudden decided to speed up on me. I recently realized I have 68 days until the Survivor Mud Run, and I’ve been skipping some of my workouts lately…. Who me?

Time to get my booty in gear!

When I trained for the Tough Mudder last year I was doing 3-4 runs a week, along with 1-2 stadium stairs sprint workouts per week. I also did strength training about 3 days a week.


Um, yeah… I haven’t been doing anywhere near that. I want to do well in this race, even if it is just for fun. Need to find that motivation and get going!

So what did I do today instead of getting a workout in?

Oh, you know… just took a gazillion pictures of Dobby. Winking smile


He’s so funny: that green turtle toy is his favorite, and whenever he lays down to chew on it, he falls asleep. And it’s still in his mouth! Then he’ll wake himself up and be like, Oh yeah, I was chewing on this! (yes, I like to pretend my dog can talk… don’t you?)


Then this afternoon I headed over to my friend Jess’s house to start painting her baby room armoire. She let me pick out colors and pretty much go to town painting it! So far I just have the branches painted, but tomorrow I’m adding pink and purple flowers and then purple around the squares. I’ve never done something this big free-hand…   Hopefully it comes out cute! Smile


I will post pics of it when it’s finished!


ALSO: I will hopefully have some exciting news on Monday or Tuesday! Smile

This upcoming week is going to be a crazy one!


Question: How do you stay motivated for training for a race, especially when your life is super busy?

Wonky Appetite

I don’t know if it’s the hot weather or what, but my appetite has been all wonky lately. Nothing really sounds good, but I have to eat! So my meals lately have been pretty random.

This afternoon I was looking through the fridge and cupboards trying to find something that sounded good. I came up with this:


Half of a cheese omelet and chunky peanut butter on Ritz crackers. Totally random, and yet totally satisfying. Whatever works!

This evening I went to my friend Jess’s house to make dinner for her, her husband, and another friend. She’s super pregnant with twins right now, and her baby shower is in a couple weeks, which I’m excited for. She has her baby room almost all set up, and it’s so cute!

For dinner I made a Santa Fe Foldover and they liked it! Smile


It actually tasted really good to me, too. It’s weird because when I’m thinking about what to eat, I feel almost a little queasy, but then while I’m eating, I’m perfectly fine. Eye rolling smile Oh well, not going to worry about it.

Dobby made sure to do his part in helping by hiding his bone all over the house and supervising from the kitchen floor.


He now has four tricks in his arsenal: sit, shake, down, and roll over. Such a smart little cookie. Smile He’s also doing pretty well walking on a leash. We went for a short walk down the street yesterday and he didn’t freak out! Yay!


Question: Do you ever go through weird phases with your eating habits or appetite? How do you get back on track?

What I’m Lovin’ this Summer

Family & Fun

019032077020010012100_0179 (2)036067Dobby Pool024





crepeRoot Beer Popsiclesalad034strawberries



Golf Shoes012Urban Outfitters (on sale! Smile)008015

Wish List

wish list - july '11




Blog Lovin’


What are you lovin’ so far this summer? Smile