About Me

Welcome to Stop and Smell the Wildflowers!


My name is Amber. I am 25 years old, and although I have been pretty active my whole life, I have been really focusing on living a more healthy life the past couple years. I also have been working on breaking out of my comfort zone by trying new things (share my life with the world- check). With this blog I plan to share those experiences and use it as a reminder for myself and others to live life to the fullest.UntitledI live in California. I grew up in a small town right in the middle of the Central Valley, and as of now I am still living here…


JUST KIDDING! I wish… this is more like it:


Somewhere down there is where I live… which also happens to be my parents’ house.   Not ideal, but luckily I get along great with my family, so it will do until I finally find a full-time teaching job! 16x20teachersubway (2)

I am a fully credentialed elementary school teacher, but I have been substitute teaching for the past year while I job search. I love teaching and I can’t wait to get my own classroom! As with most fields right now, education is kind of scary on the job market front. So I have been spending a lot of time applying to as many job openings as I can. Hopefully something will work out soon!

I have a lot of interests:

  • hiking
  • camping
  • playing sports
  • cooking
  • baking
  • gardening
  • writing
  • reading
  • riding horses
  • teaching
  • coaching sports
  • music
  • yoga
  • art
  • wildlife conservation
  • animals
  • mud runs

Okay I’ll stop, but just to warn you: any of those topics are fair game for this blog.

However, I will be focusing mainly on:

  • Food (my favorite recipes, food I enjoy, new recipes I try)
  • Fitness (training for my next mud run, hiking, playing sports)
  • Fashion (outfits, shopping, wish list)
  • Dobby (my Boston Terrier puppy and his silly antics)

(which of those is not like the other?)

I hope you enjoy Stop and Smell the Wildflowers!

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me:


or leave a comment on the blog! Thanks!

6 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Central Valley CA?? I can only imagine the heat over there. I’m from the Bay Area. I just came across you blog via CarrotsnCake and just got to say, I really enjoy it. The title caught my eye 🙂 We share quite a few of the same interests so I thought I’d just stop by and say hello!

  2. Amber, I was SO happy to hear from you on my blog! I’m still super new to the whole thing, but I LOVE finding new blogs and I’m thrilled to now come across yours. I don’t mean to sound creepy here, but I’m browsing through your blog thinking “Oh my gosh this is me!” We have so many of the same hobbies and interests 🙂 I wasn’t at all shocked to see that you are a certified elementary teacher as well! I can’t wait to get some time to sit down and read more!

    Ps. I love your binder idea for all of the recipes from healthy living blogs. My “favorites” folder is growing pretty large already and I should probably get to doing the same thing as I discover new blogs and recipes 🙂

    Anyway, I hope you’re having a great day and thank you for checking out my blog! I get all excited when I see I have a comment [I’m very much new to this haha] and I love it!

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