Smoothie Success!

A couple weeks ago we got a new blender (our old one may or may not have started smoking the last time I used it Who me?). We bought a Ninja, and I was so excited. It has three super sharp blades and does an awesome job of crushing ice.

006(Don’t worry, I didn’t blend up that corn in the background Winking smile)

Last week was my first attempt at making a Ninja smoothie…and it was the most disgusting smoothie I’ve ever made. I don’t know why it turned out so bad. I ate less than a third of it and couldn’t force any more of it down. It was horrible (which is why there is no picture).

But on Thursday, I finally got the nerve up to try again. I found some great smoothie-making advice on a couple different blogs (can’t for the life of me remember which ones, though- sorry!) and that really seemed to help! I learned that it is best to put the ingredients into the blender in this order:

liquids —> frozen fruit —> powders/add-ins —> ice —> fresh fruit

Not sure if that made a difference, but my green tea, blueberry, spinach, and raspberry smoothie bowl ended up being not only edible, but also pretty good!


. Check back later for a Fashion Friday post and a GIVEAWAY!  Smile

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