
Exciting News:

I have officially been hired as a 5th Grade Teacher for the 2011-2012 school year!!! Smile

I am so excited!!!!

I had pretty much given up on finding a job for this year, and I was so surprised when they offered me the job. It will be at the school I do a lot of subbing for, so I know most of the teachers and I feel comfortable working there.

Not to mention, fifth grade is my first choice of all the grade levels to teach. Yay!!!

Now I have to start planning and setting up my classroom…. I get a little overwhelmed just thinking about everything I have to do!


Also, for the first two years of teaching, I have to do BTSA, which is a beginning teacher program that I hear is extremely time-consuming and tons of work. Hopefully I survive!


I promised to show you the finished armoire that I painted for my friend Jess’s baby room:



I also just wanted to thank everyone who reads my crazy blog! I noticed a couple days ago that I have had 1,000 page views since I started in June. I know that doesn’t really mean much, but it feels kinda cool to know that a few people other than my mom are reading this (I’m just assuming my mom hasn’t clicked on my blog pages 1,000 times all on her own…. right mom?).

I’m thinking about doing a giveaway sometime in the near future in honor of all the cool things happening in my life right now…. So stay tuned! Open-mouthed smile