Surfer Dog

My Fourth of July weekend was capped off with some time out by the pool with Dobby! Smile


Don’t worry, the beer can wasn’t open! Winking smile


Already a better surfer than me.

Dobby Pool_thumb[1]

Isn’t it amazing how dogs are born already knowing how to swim? I plop Dobby in the water and he just takes off!

Sophie, our black lab, swims like a fish. She looks like a little torpedo shooting through the water. Poor Hailey, though, sinks up to her ears before she can get herself floating enough to swim. She’s all muscle so we think her lack of body fat prevents her from floating very well. That’s okay, she makes a good running partner. Winking smile


This afternoon we have some family coming to visit from out of state for a couple days, so it should be a fun time! Open-mouthed smile

1 thought on “Surfer Dog

  1. Too cute! That picture of him surfing is too funny. His face is all “yea that’s right I’m surfing what’s up” lol.

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