So You Think You’re a Photographer

Today I went to lunch with my nana and Ben, my 7-year-old cousin. Ben loves a local restaurant called Jeb’s and talked us into going there.



I was in the mood for breakfast food (when am I ever not in the mood for breakfast?), so I got 1/2 a waffle, scrambled eggs, and fruit.

After lunch, Ben came out to our house to help me make chocolate chip cookies. I’ve been wanting to try Hungry Runner Girl‘s recipe for the Best Chocolate Chip Cookies, and this was the perfect opportunity. Ben helped me by measuring out the ingredients and reading the recipe to me (he is a super reader!). For some reason our cookies turned out more puffy than Hungry Runner Girl’s, but they still tasted really good! Ben approved.




While the cookies were baking, Ben decided to take some pictures using my (half-dead) camera. Here are some of his lovely snapshots of our TV while we were watching So You Think You Can Dance. (Any other SYTYCD fans? Love that show! Makes me wish I had stuck with dance.)


He’s a talented one. He is probably going to grow up and be a famous photographer one day. And I will have some of his first photos. Should I have him autograph these?  Winking smile


Noticed my basil is starting to bolt (I think), so I chopped most of those little leaves off.


Now I can make my (okay, Dianne’s) spinach basil pesto. I made it earlier this year and froze it in ice cube trays, but I used them up pretty quickly. I see more pesto pasta in my future!

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